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Black Girls and Friendship Gods Way...

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:

10 If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.

Hi Beauties, I hope this moment finds you all to be well! Recently I met up with my flock (AKA MY GIRLS) we took out the time to capture moments in the studio of our appreciation for each other, life and the AWESOME God that we serve. The results were stunning! When we shared them on social media, we received comments and messages that said " I wish I had friends like this" or "Wow, you all look so beautiful and are so blessed to have each other" Without them saying it I could tell that some of them had been hurt by women or thinking about the misconception that has been around for a long time.. You know "BLACK WOMEN CAN'T GET ALONG" (aka every reality show on BRAVO) Did that make you roll your eyes? I know I roll my eyes every time I hear it. I can remember being young and saying "I PREFER to have male friends because they are not messy like women." I have to laugh at that crazy comment now because I now know that it was just a cover up for the truth. I had been hurt many times by folks that said they were for me but only hung around me to see what they could either take from me or figure out what's wrong with me. And trust me honey I have a lot of issues so that one was obvious. Because of previous betrayal I put up a wall and allowed people to come but only so far. I soon learned when Christ started dealing with me, is that people are part of the journey and some are here for a season and others for a lifetime. Christ had His chosen 12 Disciples. Jesus single handedly picked each of them, even that devil Judas. See we serve an intentional God and He knew exactly what He was getting when He chose. Unfortunately we will all run into people like Judas in this life time. But that should not stop us from being open to trust again. No one gets along with another person all the time; we all have different view points and challenges. If you get along with someone all the time I would check that relationship. It doesn't have to be a big blow out, just simple things like getting on each others nerves. I'm certain I get on my friends nerves as they get on mine! lol... but that is part of the journey. So can Black Girls get along? We sure can! We just have to have let go of the past and realize that we need one another and look to Christ as the example of love!

Proverbs 27:5-6 Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.

~Meachy B.

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