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WORSHIP IS MORE THAN A SONG......................

wor·shipˈwərSHəp/noun1. the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity."the worship of God"synonyms:reverence, veneration, adoration, glorification, glory, exaltation;

I am learning each day that WORSHIP is a posture extended to the Father. By that I mean, we have taken the word WORSHIP and added a microphone, a song, and some tears and call it WORSHIP. Instead of LIVING a LIFE OF WORSHIPer....... as a believer in Christ we are called to be CHRISTIANS= CHRIST LIKE. There are so many layers to being CHRIST LIKE that I don't have the time or complete knowledge of what that means in its entirety, I can however speak from what I believe The Lord is telling my heart. My child if you love me follow my commandments (John 14: 15-31), feed my sheep (John 21:17), treat one another with the same love that I have shown to you! (John 12 30-31) In short stop being selfish, short tempered, self absorbed and comfortable. Honor me with your life and LIFE STYLE! Ain't nothing like a CHRISTIAN WITH A BAD ATTITUDE AND EXCUSES! I don't know about you but when I am out shopping and the scene with little TINK TINK happens where he throws a fit because he wants his way gets under my skin. Especially when you know that the tears are fake! TINK TINK is usually too OLD to be acting like that, secondly why do the parents try and act like its not happening? I think pop his little butt and then I think, unn huh, when that joker is 15 you are going to have hell - o kitty on your hands! All the other shoppers immediately STOP look at who? THE PARENTS!

The look says when are you going to handle the situation?!? Do something instead of letting them act like that. Their behavior ruins everyones experience in the store. It's not like this is newborn crying for milk or to be changed, no TINK is old enough to know how to manipulate the situation by acting out to get what he wants. The parents of course love their child and may not handle it the way on lookers want it to be handled. All we see is a hot spoiled mess! Same thing with our heavenly Father, when we confess that we are children in the Most High God but continually act out, treat other like they don't matter or are just plain ole rude, the first thing people do is say AND THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO BE A CHRISTIAN? Our attitude and actions reflect the Father in heaven the same way it reflects TINK TINKS parents. The difference with God is that He has told us how to behave and makes it clear that what He says He means! So is it fair to Him when we act out and make Him look bad? I say no it is not we have to show a life style of worship by doing what He commands us to do! God is a great Father and He may not spank us in the store but He does chasten those He loves (Hebrews 12:6) and aint nothing like going home and having to face HIM. So instead, let's make a decision to do His will and not act like TINK! The Father does not with hold any good thing from His children (Psalms 84:11) so when we do His will he is pleased and rewards. We don't obey because we want things we obey because it brings GLORY to the Father and that in my opinion is WORSHIP!

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